Pretty in Pink Very Cherry Cupcakes & Whoopie Pies


Pink is my very favourite colour. It’s something I’m rather well known for since I will always try to incorporate it in some way into everything I wear or do regardless of whether I should. I’m also partial to Tiffany blue but then, really, what girl isn’t?! There is magic inside that little blue box…

Anyway, another favourite is more of a childhood memory: cherry chip cake from a box. If pink had a flavour, it would be that cake. So many birthday cakes involved this stuff. And although no one is having a birthday anytime soon, I tasked myself with figuring out a way to recreate this iconic childhood flavour from scratch as my weekend baking challenge. You know, just so I’m totally prepared when a birthday does come round.


A quick Web search revealed that I wasn’t the only one with fond memories of this cake. I went with this recipe from Sprinkle Bakes – and may end up purchasing her book because her baking all looks so good – and just made a couple of minor modifications. First I limited the sugar to one cup since I didn’t want it to overpower the cherriness of the cake, and I think next time I could stand to take it down even further to 3/4 of a cup. It was still pretty sweet, especially when you factor in the maraschino cherry syrup I used to make the icing. The decision not to include the chopped cherry ‘chips’ in the batter and use them as accents instead was last minute, and one I’m glad I went with. The egg whites made the texture so lovely and light I was happy to let it be the star of the show, with the chips on top or inside in the case of the Whoopie Pie.

Now I just need to figure out what flavour Tiffany blue might be. I’m leaning toward a classic white cake flavoured with Tahitian vanilla and almond extract and keeping the frosting in that particular shade of blue but with the same flavour. That will be another post – and another baking challenge – for another time. But until then, I’m open to suggestions.

What do you think Tiffany blue might taste like?